These are the four parts harmony from song book “Songs of the Kingdom” which I did using NoteWorthyComposer software many years bank when I was practicing with song leaders in the church. Since I sing bass, there are more bass parts here. Feel free to download it for personal use.
I realize that WordPress could not play the midi file here. If you need some original source files, please contact me ya. Enjoy!
Song Name | No | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Amazing Grace | 800 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
And Can It Be – I | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine | |
And Can It Be – II | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine | |
Angels We Have Heard On High | 554 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Awesome God | 445 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Create In Me A Pure Heart | 1 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Encourage My Soul | 704 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Fairest Lord Jesus | 453 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Follow Me | 439 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Go And Make Disciples | 214 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
God Almighty Reigns | 216 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
God Is So Good | 706 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Great Among The Nations | 206 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Holy Father | 395 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
I Will Speak | 466 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Just As I Am | 471 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Let Your Living Water Flow | 720 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Men Who Dream | 204 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
My Hope Is Built | 463 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Precious Lord | 364 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Rise Up, O Men Of God | 384 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Seek Ye First | 446 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Soldier Of Christ, Arise! | 444 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Stand In Awe | 213 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Thank You, Lord | 700 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
The Lord's My Shepherd | 114 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
This Is My Father's World | 391 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
We Will Glorify | 378 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
When I Survey The Wondrous Cross | 382 | Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass | Combine |
Some singing conviction:
- Paul says, “I will pray with the Spirit, but I will also pray with my mind. I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind” (1 Corinthians 14: 15). We need to maintain the important balance between the youthfulness of the “Spirit” with the maturity of the “mind.”
- Wanna know the stories behind Hymns?
- “Most singing is not done with the voice but with the ears and the brain.” Giuseppe De Luca
Listen to all the notes for Bass Clef and start from C and a solfeggio.
2 replies on “Songs of the Kingdom”
Hello Steve,
This is an interesting collection of songs that are segmented into parts. I plan to use the voices as a base to improvise hymns. I am also interested in the bass voice for studying bass guitar riffs.
Thanks for the excellent work.
Hi Andrew,
Good to hear that 🙂